
Our metrics-based training programmes have been designed to support the entire surgical team, optimising your use of the Versius® Surgical Robotic System.

Comprehensive and ongoing training lies at the very heart of the CMR Surgical ethos. Working in close collaboration with the surgical community and professional education bodies, we have developed a metrics-led training programme, which utilises data at each step of the training pathway to ensure surgical teams understand how to use Versius.
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The CMR training and education team believe in long-term partnerships to deliver the highest quality surgical care. Our friendly, expert teams of professional technical skills trainers go above and beyond to deliver a comprehensive seven-step, metrics-led, skills training programme specifically designed for the unique team training requirements of those with, or looking to establish, a busy surgical robotic practice.

Clinical resources

An online resource, including access to eLearning modules, allowing users to become familiar with Versius, its functionality and capability. Surgical teams will be asked to successfully complete a number of training modules that will take them through each individual component of the system, as well as setup tasks and safety features. This online tool prepares surgeons and their teams with in-depth system knowledge prior to the practical training, allowing them to make the most of future hands-on sessions.
Clinical resources
Versius on a screen

Versius Trainer

The Versius Trainer gives surgeons the opportunity to immerse themselves in a Versius virtual environment. The simulator enables surgeons to develop the motor and cognitive skills required to operate Versius in a virtual environment and provides performance feedback to finely hone their skills in the most demanding of surgical tasks through the completion of 13 task-orientated modules. We firmly believe that every surgeon should have access to a Versius Trainer at all times, so every Versius console comes with a small, plug-in, Versius Trainer unit as standard.


For the next stage of the programme, CMR Surgical invites surgical teams to attend a residential training course in partnership with world leading laparoscopic training centres including the IRCAD Institute and the ORSI Academy. Our 3-day face to face residential course is designed to meet the needs of the entire surgical team and ensures that the needs and safety of the patient are paramount. Our dedicated team of technical skills trainers will equip every member of the surgical team with the knowledge and capabilities necessary to operate the Versius system competently from the beginning to the end of each surgical robotic case.
Surgeons using Versius
Operating ergonomically

Hospital installation and set-up

The ‘hospital dry run’ takes place when Versius is installed in your hospital. Typically, this takes around a minimum of half a day and ideally the day before the first case. Our focus is on helping you to optimise theatre layout, for the console, bed side unit positions, cabling and anaesthesia in the theatre in which the first cases will take place. This session will be facilitated by the professional education team, implementation team and the preceptor who has been identified to support the first cases.


We believe that peer to peer education and guidance are critical steps in a surgical team’s training. Prior to clinical cases, we will introduce your surgical team to a Versius preceptor. Our preceptors are experienced surgeons who have in-depth knowledge of Versius. Our preceptors can provide guidance on patient selection and advice on planning the procedure with Versius. Patient safety is of paramount importance and we believe that including our preceptors in the final stages of training ensures a smooth transition from the training room to the operating room. Our preceptors co-deliver the final session of surgical team training joint with our technical skills trainers. This is delivered in the surgical team’s own operating room. The preceptor will then continue to provide support for the initial clinical cases and give advice on best practice using Versius.
On-going support

On-going support

CMR professional education and implementation teams will continue to work closely with the surgical team during the initial implementation phase through in-person support and identification of any further education and development requirements. This includes guidance from either a proctor or preceptor depending upon local and national guidelines.

User manuals

An online resource that allows surgical teams to access Versius user manuals and instructions for use.
User manuals

How can digital support surgical training?

Digital offers the opportunity to make step change advances in today’s surgical environment.


Versius for

Versius for

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